
Sian Angel Savage

Ask @SianAngelSavage

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Long thoughts babe <3

I'm not doing your one long cause you didn't do mine long, lol.
MARIA your so perfect inside and out! Jokes, ihy ❤️
Your always making me laugh at school, specially at the library we end up like pissing ourselves! AHAHA
You have a dope voice and style!
We have so many things in common, specially music! Every time we would hear a song that we forgot about or haven't hear in ages we start dancing like LUNATICS! HAHAHAHA
Your very trustworthy!
Have you trimmed your poodle yet you hoe? Xoxo ja'mie
We have to have a sleepover with heaps of ice-cream and food and watch Ja'mie private school girl! And yeah I love how were like the only ones who watch that show Lolol
I love how we can say stuff without thinking we offended each other! You fecking betch!
We always dance and sing together! AHAHA Your real fun to be around! dude you should come to Queens! Longan sucks dick and u no it.
and yeah, just love everything about you basically! Oh yeah remember mishisnit! I haven't seen that lil shit in ages! HAHA! And fletcher! Aw! ❤️

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You can be nice at times, real good to talk to! Real trustworthy and gc...
Cute how you went out with like everyone last year! Hahahaha
Your real strong! I remember we had a arm wrestle! You won by farrrrrrrrr!
And yeah just yeah Hahahaha ✌️


Ok ok ok.
Tbh man we have known Each other for AGESSSS! We have a million memories, most of them Are hilourious! like remember when you were on the bike and it was to big for you and then you fell into the raspberry bush! Hahah we were crazy! And how we walked past those Samoans and Raymond
Said "poooorr what's dat sneeeel" Hahahaha, you so skinny and just stunning! Your super fun to be around! When I see you it doesn't even feel like we stoped hanging hahhaha!
Love ya! Xoxoxo

Legit things you dislike and like about meeee Honesty is the best policy Ihy xxx

Sometimes... SOMETIMES, it seems like your to cool for me? Hahahahahah idk. But other than that I honestly don't dislike anything, your perfect inside and out!


Language: English