
†♥Siian Richards♥†✔

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Latest answers from †♥Siian Richards♥†✔

why u always sad ad derpresed? not like u have anything bad goin on

Excuse me?! Who are you to say i have nothing bad going on, eh? I don't know who you are but i have a feeling you don't know me too well. Yeah, i am sad and depressed a lot, but that only because i can't open up with my feelings to anyone, no even my closest friends, you think thats something im fine with? Im really not fine with it, i hate keeping everything bottled up inside, it kills me that idont have the confidence to tell people whats up, mainly because society these days judge you on everything little thing, and i got sick off getting judged so i dont say anything, and because of this people walk all over me, thinking its fine, thinking im just a girl, and because i smile im fine! You dont know how much hurt is behind one little smile, which is most probably fake, because nothing is going good for me at the moment. I'm getting accused of trying to split people up, people's girlfriends telling their boyfriends to not talk to me because they are worried im going to try something on, well here is a fucking reality check, IM NOT! It's fucking pissing me off that people think so low of me, when im really not like that, people are just snakes and fakes these days, i cant trust anyone with anything, not even my bae's! So yeah maybe thats why im always so sad and fucking depressed, try walking a fucking mile in my shoes, no one would fucking walk more than a few meters. I don't care, i will just slap on a smile and everyone will think im fine and believe it,makes it easier for me, cause i can't explain whats wrong, not to anybody, not even myself. I'm such a mess right now its unreal, but im trying to sort myself out, so yeah, sorry for being me i suppose.

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No because now I sound like a twat don't I for doing this

Facebook me or fuck off:/ im in a bad mood as it is so don't play games.

Language: English