
†♥Siian Richards♥†✔

Ask @SianElizabeth358

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Do you remember your first friend?

No, not really.. i cant even remember what i had for dinner last night :')

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What do you believe happens to us after we die?

Well... I have really weird beliefs. I dont belive in god and my reason for that is because my nan was very ill since november 2011 and she was in so much pain it was heartbreaking. Then she was in and out of hospital like lots, So was my uncle and then he just let my uncle like die, after lots of suffering? and then a month later he finally put my nan in peace, it was so sweet how it happend, i dont mean it was like good or anything but she was put into a rainbow room(where old people go to die peacefully) and my mum when to see her one day, my nan could barley speak apparently and when my mum left, she led my nan down in bed, hugged her and told her to be a good girl and go to sleep. An hour later when my mum was home the hospital phoned her to tell my mum that my nan had died. My mum and all of us where obviously upest but my mum was happy that my nan listened to her. The reason i dont belive in god is because he kept her suffering for nearly 2 years (november 2011- may 2013) and he couldnt like put her down... it kind of sounds bad me saying that but i would rather my nan be in peace and in a better place than suffering lots. The vets would put an animal down if it was suffering but they keep humans alive when they are much worse than animals, it is so unfair because i hated seeing my nan like that. The bible says that god loves us but if he lets the elderly suffer so much then it proves he doesnt? thats why i dont belive in god. This is what makes it weird. I belive in heaven, only because my nan and uncle are there. I wasnt too close to my uncle but my nan and i where so close, and now everyday i look to the sky it looks so beautiful to me nd i know its because my angel is up there. After we die we go to heaven to be reunited with out loved and missed ones, my mum asked me to read out a poem at my nans funeral but i said i couldnt because the poem actually had a link between us nd it would just make me break down into tears, It was called the broken chain, and it basically say that each loved one is lost one by one, that links with us because my uncle died then my nan did, and the poem ends with this line ' our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same, but as god calls us one by one the chain will link again' and after the funeral my mum said to me ' Sian, dont be sad, i know this is a rough time for you, it is for all of us but dont worry, one day we will be reunited with her, wyn and dewi(uncles) and we can be a happy family again, you will just have to wait to see them again but dont worry about it, you need to live you life, grandma would be thinking dont worry about me im fine just have fun, so go and enjoy your young life while you have it Sian.
I kind of went of topic but i want to get this out to you;
'Live your young life while you can, cherish the moments because they dont last forever, live them, remember then.'
I love you grandma, im going to make you proud ok, RIP i miss you so much:'( <3<3<3<3<3<3<£

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Do you like your name?

Well, my name is spelt Sian and i dont like it but i spell it Siian and i like it... weird ik

If you could visit the past or the future, which would you choose and where would you go?

future and when im 18 omg

Where is the coldest place you have ever been and what was the temperature?

england and like -23867564354678

If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?

The inside life of Siian.


Language: English