
Siddharth Dutta

Ask @SiddharthDutta

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What all will you do and how will you behave if that girl is your gf?

I will pamper her. :') And love her more than ever, for being brave enough to handle the situation. Had I been at her place, I would have probably just died or something. I don't care if she would be my girlfriend, she's a normal girl and I will love her more than anyone else in the world ever can, just like I do now. :')

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If you have to help a girl recover from such situation what would you do? How would you help her? What will be your behaviour and thinking for her?

Well, we'd have to counsel her and keep her happy. Someone would have to own her and make her realise that her life isn't over yet, and this won't make her weak AT ANY COST. Behaviour or thinking towards her has to be ABSOLUTELY NORMAL. One should never try to discriminate her for any reason. She has the equal right to be happy and normal.

What do you think are the girl's conditions after this? How do they feel? What situation they go through? What kind of outlook they have afterwards?

Obviously a girl would be traumatised, which neither me, nor any boy can EVER feel. This changes the outlook of women towards men, PERMANENTLY. And this is how, due to a few unsocial elements, the whole male community has to be ashamed of being men.

What are your views on people who eve tease, rape,comment, harass, molest & everything in these terms? What would you do if you found anyone doing this?

These people are fucking cannibals. Indian men need to change their mentality. The view that women are the weaker sex and are their pleasure objects is the root of all evil. We are standing in a century where women can defeat men at any field. :3 Men can't think themselves to be supreme, not at any cost. We men need to educate other men about all this. And people up at important positions should refrain from commenting about the weakness of the female gender. It's appalling that even some women speak against their own gender's rights. It will all take time, but we've gotta be optimistic.
If I see anyone doing all this stuff, I won't tolerate and would inform the cops about it before giving a fight to the people involved.

I don't know about the better but you for sure in the category of the bests. :')

You're being too sweet to me, and making me blush as a result. :'")

Hey!I wanted to confess something,you are a beautiful person.I & most of the girls rarely get to see a boy who respects a girl so much.The way you treat a lady is the best thing about you.Never change this attitude of yours,this will definitely make a girl fall for you.:') thanks for respecting us.

You're too sweet to say this. But I believe there are better people than me as well. :')
And I want only one girl to fall for me, which I jolly well know she won't.
But women, keep your heads high, and fly up in the sky. <3
Liked by: Appy

You're hot man, i like you a lot. And your poems are just mind blowing i always remember him after reading them. :') god bless you.

Thanks a lot. I'm much humbled. :')

Views? ❤

Well, your views touched me totally. :')
You're the best friend one can have, I can share EVERYTHING with you, literally the guys talk as well. You're that amazing! <3
You're very pretty, I mean VERY, and brilliant music taste. Stay the same, I am used to sheer awesomeness now. B|

your profile link was posted here along with your photo on this 'cute people on the internet' topic on smartican- https://smartican.com/devd ..can i have your id or number?..youre definitely cute..:P

My computer shows malware warning. So please. :3


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