
Sierra Breathatt

Ask @Sierra_Breathatt

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tbh, I can't believe I am doing this, since I'm still waiting for mine. Anyways, you are the most amazing girlfriend I could ever ask for! You think you are funny but you aren't, noot even slightly butt I love it! You're kinda cute too ? I hope were together for a long time! I lovee youu babyy!! ❤❤

Dylan Briggs
Don't get cheesy w me, imma puke? I love you too though! ❤
Liked by: Dylan Briggs

tbh; you hate me but I understand why, but you've been there for me through some of the toughest shit of my life and I just want you to know I appreciate it.

Liked by: Chaz

Seen Tonis wall post about your sister being a stalker and the fake FB account, thought I'd say it's pretty immature and you & youre family should put your big pants on and grow up. Bullying someone and bring mental health illness is fucked? Ppl like you are the reason ppl commit suicide, proud yet?

bye Toni ??

tbh- Sierra you suuck at giving tbhs. It was good seeing you today! You are one of my best friends and I've got your back ? You are always there for me no matter what and I can't thank you enough! I can trust you with anything! Our conversations are hilarious ? Oh and we aren't sharing my bike! ?

Dylan Briggs
thank youu!? our conversations are lit asf man? & I think you mean, our bike??
Liked by: Dylan Briggs

If you and three friends were on a deserted island, who would be eaten first?

I don't have three friends. lmaoo

the only thing you'll ever get is love ,respect and friendship.thats what you deserve and all these people on here are either jelous or think they can just talk shit cause they can hide there names. your beautiful ,wise and perfect .you keep doing you and the anon will stay anon

thank you, who is this ?

to be honest been a while since we seen eachother hahaha but you're pretty and hopefully we chill soon!

Brennen H
Yeah! message me sometime

Oops. Forgot to take it off anon. But yess?

well, I love you & you're seriously my sister. I have never had such an amazing friendship with anyone before.? What's mine is yours, what's yours is mine. what I do, you do. what you do, I do. where I go, you follow. where you go, I follow. we have so many great memories that I could never forget. your a big part of my life & I wouldn't change that for the world. thank you for everything m'dear ❤ I love youu babehh?? you're a bitch tho??
Liked by: Monique Cameron


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