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Latest answers from Simss

what if shr got boobs like you?

I seriosuly hate Ask.fm? when im almost near to dying is the time when i use ask. Worst Shit. Thankgod i hardly use like once in 6 months

What teacher in school made the most impact on you and why?

Maam shazra❤️ Cuz shes the most sweetest and understable teacher who explains things well and very well knows and understands you and helps and guides where we go wrong. And nothing could be better then that. Shes not my teacher anymore but ill always remember what she taught me.

Do you think it's wrong for a girl to talk openly about her boobs??

And why would she do that? ?

no wait i just want to know which school did she go to i promise i wont bother u again

She went to roots, don't know if she changed after that.

maryam eman....do you know her?

Unfortunately I do. And I'm telling you for first and last time kay I don't want to talk about her and questions related to her shall not be answered :/

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