

Ask @SirAhSyrup

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What does freedom mean to you?

Well it isn't America and it sure isn't RHAM.
•We can't drink water during the day because one kid replaced his water with vodka
•We can't bring our backpacks to Intervention because we could definitely do drug trade offs in the five minutes it takes to get from one classroom to another.
•We can't go to other teams and visit friends they so kindly separated us from because some people ran around.
I could go on.
Liked by: melanie Carolyn

What is your idea of a romantic evening?

when I have a boyfriend or girlfriend, I'm going to take them to the baseball field across from my house so we can look at the night sky together.
I really couldn't care less how cheesy it sounds, it's flipping beautiful and if they can't appreciate it, then they're not worth my time.
Liked by: melanie Nicole

Who are you?

Your name is SARAH. You are FOURTEEN YEARS, THREE MONTHS, AND TWO WEEKS OLD. In your room are various POSTERS of your FAVOURITE BANDS and MOVIES. You have a passion for all things related to HOMESTUCK and MUSIC. You love making YOUTUBE VIDEOS even though you DO NOT UPLOAD VERY OFTEN. You love to read FANFICTION and GO ON TUMBLR. You are a part of many FANDOMS although not as many as your FRIENDS. You are an aspiring SINGER and YOUTUBER but are also interested in ENGINEERING. You also SOCIALIZE sometimes.
What will you do?
> Sarah: Continue avoiding doing homework.
Liked by: Nicole melanie

Are you still friends with someone from kindergarten?

does first grade count?
So this is little Nicole and little me at my princess birthday party in first grade. We weren't really friends all this time, but this photo is proof we somehow were in first grade xD In fifth grade I joined girl scouts, and that's when I really got to know Nicole c: These past few years we became better acquainted with each other and now she's one of my best friends! I also write stories involving Quakers and Stegosaurus(es?) for her :3 She's the Awesome Stegosaurus. We also record videos in which she calls me a noob...if you wanna know what Nicole is like, well "perfect", "hilarious", "a leader", and "awesome" describe her. BASICALLY NICOLE IS AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD GO BE HER FRIEND LIKE RIGHT NOW.
Liked by: Nicole

What did you dream about last night?

okay so I was a dolphin and I had two dolphin siblings and our dolphin mother abandoned us. She gave us each an object to remember her by. Mine was a sea urchin. tHEN SHE CAME BACK and taught us how to survive the ocean in the winter.
so idk maybe my subconscious self wants to be a dolphin :3
Liked by: melanie Nicole


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