
Skylar Matterin

Ask @SkyeMatterin_

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C H R I S T M A S !

/ also just wanted to say a massive Merry Christmas to everyone ( or if you’re having a normal day, then I hope you have a great day regardless ). You all deserve so much love and all the best. It’s been a blessing getting to know all of you, and seeing all your different personalities shine here. This place wouldn’t be the same without any of you and I’m super grateful that I get to share this experience with all of you. Have an incredible day, and I hope you get everything you wanted! Bucket loads of love and appreciation from yours truly, xx 💕.

F A C E C L A I M – T E M P O R A R Y

/ right, so, I’ve come up with the idea that I’m gonna switch up Skylar a little. I figured that exploring different choices would be a good idea, and because all the anons that messaged me have been helpful and mega supportive, I’m gonna try out Leighton and see how I feel :’) I’ll give it until New Years or a week and then decide who I want to use. I hope this is okay for everyone, and thank you all again for being so helpful and stuff. Xx
F A C E C L A I M  T E M P O R A R Y

Honestly, if someone asked me to link Skylar to either Fallon from dynasty or Blair from Gossip girl then without thinking it through i would say blair cause there is so much similarities between the 2. I personally think you should try leighton out at least temporarily to see if u like it.

/ like I said to the other anon, I think I’ll give it a week trial and see how I feel. I mean, experimenting is good right? It’ll give me a more solid grasp on what I want for Skye which will be good in the long run. Thank you for being helpful, I really appreciate it. I’ve been thinking about it for a while but I wasn’t going to act upon it. But the feedback and response I got over this has been really positive and helpful. I feel really lucky to be surrounded by such understanding people.
Honestly if someone asked me to link Skylar  to either Fallon from dynasty or
+5 answers in: “You should use Leighton Meester for Skylar !”

Maybe try Leighton for a week and if you like her, keep her and if not you can always go back to Liz, we all know that you’re not sure and none of us would take her from you.

/ I think that’s what I’ll try to do. I’ll think it over and speak about it with people who’re involved with Skye, see if they’re all chill with it and then decide if I’ll do the week trial. Thank you so much for being so understanding. I know I’m being a pain by being so indecisive over it but I really appreciate you ( and everyone else ) being so patient. Thank you, again. :’)
Maybe try Leighton for a week and if you like her keep her and if not you can
+5 answers in: “You should use Leighton Meester for Skylar !”

I disagree,the nonnie probably hasn't watched anything other than Victorious with Liz in it. She is an amazing actress with a lot of depth and her performance in Dynasty is amazing, and she fits Sky so well, she embodies her entirely. But, it is your character and I'll respect your choice anyway (':

/ I totally get where you’re coming from, this is my dilemma. Both are incredible actresses and so stunning. Obviously Skylar was written with Liz as the target faceclaim, but I’m just not a hundred percent sure if she is totally the right fit yet. I honestly just don’t know. Before Skylar turned and met Tommen, she was very innocent. Her older sister who she looked up to died when she was young, and that heartache made her pretty vulnerable. She did exceptionally well at school and was really bright. She followed the rules, made things easy for her parents as she knew they had been through enough already. Then she got diagnosed with the cancer and that was a whole uphill battle she lost. And after that, she got turned – losing her old self and the rest of her family. Tommen kind of got rid of the innocence, drew out a darker side of her, a more bitchy and vindictive side of her. She got pretty careless, gives little care for innocent lives and stuff, but still had her vulnerable side. She’s at times petty, jealous, immature and can switch from extreme to extreme. This is just a brief explanation, but I need someone to fit that basically and the only two I feel would suit my vision of Skylar is Leighton and Liz. Any help or opinions would be so appreciated. ;’)

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I disagreethe nonnie probably hasnt watched anything other than Victorious with
+5 answers in: “You should use Leighton Meester for Skylar !”

// Leighton gives me more Skylar vibes. I love Liz but to me she’ll always be the mean girl without much depth, Leighton gives off a mean vibe but you she can also show the vulnerability that Skylar has

/ you hold good points, I’ll give you that. I totally see where you’re coming from, and I can’t help but partly agree. I’m definitely gonna have to consider it, but I think maybe a temporary switch would be good then maybe get some feedback from people and see if it works or not before considering anything permanent but still not a hundred percent, I’m on the fence.
Leighton gives me more Skylar vibes I love Liz but to me shell always be the
+5 answers in: “You should use Leighton Meester for Skylar !”

And what if roman got married to someone else other than skylar?

/ she’d definitely try her hardest to stop it, but she’d probably have to be less destructive and reckless when trying to ruin it because obviously if she went in there and killed the girl or something Roman wouldn’t be too forgiving. So, she’d have to be more subtle. She’d probably know that whoever he was marrying would be better for him, a better influence, would treat him better, wouldn’t be damaged goods, but that in itself would be enough to make her want to stop the wedding because she’d hate the idea that he might have found someone actually deserving of him and his love.
And what if roman got married to someone else other than skylar
+4 answers in: “How would your character react if they saw someone they love get married to someone else.”

If tommen was to get married would Skylar stop that wedding?

/ being entirely honest, she probably would. The two of them haven’t entirely laid things to bed or completely sorted things out between each other. He’s her first love, nothing will ever change that for her. He saved her from dying, and she spent so many years with him she can hardly remember her life without him in it. He helped shape her into the person she is today, and even after him hurting her and her moving on with Roman, she still wouldn’t be able to sit there and watch him be happy with someone else. Skylar isn’t the kind of person that would be happy for him and let it go, she’d be bitter and bothered over it, especially since someone else would be getting something from him that she tried so hard to get herself
If tommen was to get married would Skylar stop that wedding
+4 answers in: “How would your character react if they saw someone they love get married to someone else.”

How would your character react if they saw someone they love get married to someone else.

/ Well, the wedding definitely wouldn’t be happening. Skylar would probably waste the whole wedding-planning process to plot how she’d destroy the whole thing just to prove a point, and then once it all goes perfectly she’d try to win them back without making it seem like she had been chasing after them
How would your character react if they saw someone they love get married to
+4 answers Read more

Personally I think if you wanna use Leighton you should do it and not give a damn about what others will think about it.

/ honestly I’d love to, she has loads of gifs and shit, and the whole vindictive side of Blair reminds me of Skylar but I don’t want to cause unnecessary drama because of it. I like being unproblematic. But thank you, seriously, you’ve given me more of a reason to consider it.
Personally I think if you wanna use Leighton you should do it and not give a
+5 answers in: “You should use Leighton Meester for Skylar !”


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