

Ask @Skylarrx3

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Yeah I remember, it was July 31st when I heard it (yours) and it was a few days earlier that I became addicted to the song ;p

aw i love that song, i had 4 days where it was all i listened to

You know what I remembered? Your amazing cover to Kings of Leon's Use somebody. That was good.

aw thanks man, i remember that it was one of my 2am stay quiet so you dont wake the whole house jam sessions this summer

Not vlad, I don't go to goldstein (if that gives you any idea) and you don't know who I am. Trust me, it's better for you. Also, I don't know any other anons so don't worry about me being 'that friend of a friend' that you seem to be getting posts from.

i meant vlad from 303 but i guess not? hey i tried

You can always tell that it's me because I have a distinct way of typing ;p so yeah, don't fear the reaper.

is this vlad

Well... you're seeing it from a nice view. Congrats. I keep putting out these references and well, what can I do, I'm just a bored bro chillin' his life out.

do you man

Well that's a good way to get myself hurt. What am I, if I am not the fire that cleanses this world?

the water that puts out the fire

Glad it is, yo. A lot of people be like 'new phone who dis?' so yeah, good looks.

tru tru except im on my 4th phone since summer so i actually dont have any numbers

Nah it's someone from 303 who just goes on ask.fm late at night, definitely not tyler (as if I knew who he was, anyways) if that helps you. Not planning on revealing myself since I don't want to interact any time soon.

its all good man

Damn these anons questions are getting real deep, too deep for me, you all should stop doing this shit this late, lmao. All good tho.

😂😂I dont know why i have a feeling this is tyler

how do i hit u up without making it obvious

ive already been talking to you anonymously for how long, what makes you think telling me who you are is gonna make me stop


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