

Hush hush.... how about you HUSH HUSH?!

Hush Hush is really sorry about Friday Hush Hush didnt mean it but Hush hush didnt notice that Hush Hush was not being nice to Hush Hush's one of most favourite human person so Hush Hush is really sorry Hush Hush wont be angry again because Hush Hush is an angel

Latest answers from Soha

Please stop with that Rizwan shit I swear someone's gnna end up thinking I love him or some fuck loool

seema ali
Lol you do... Dont hide your felling lolol :P

Full ho on miriam ali

Really nice, good personality, funny, loud, easy to get along with, shes really beautiful & is really nice in person. Goes to same school, used to live near her, we used to close but i moved so we are sadly not as close as we used to be ... miss the bus crew. Overall shes really pretty inside & out <3

Ho on seema Ali

amazing personality & really pretty, used to be in the same school but moved really miss her lots.. shes fun to be with always had something to talk about. had so many great times with her... memories :') specially our late night long emotional talks about random stuff overall shes a amazing friend to have <3

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