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Latest answers from Dr.Sohail

Not bragging but why does everyone fall in love with me?

I could tell only if you had posted this answer with untick.

People you know better become boring with time. Do you agree? 🤔

Actually they don't get boring,it feels like because you get to know everything about them with time,there comes a point when nothing excites you about them because you already know everything about them.

When you wake up at 7 a.m., but you could sleep till 10 a.m., are you able to fall asleep again? 🤔

I wish i could.

Do you brush your teeth in Ramazan?? I didn't and today my sister fainted when she smelled my mouth breath!!!! What to do guyssss!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭

First of all take her to hospital,so they can bring her back to senses.
Oh sorry ,you don't take her to hospital,ask someone else.

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Aik shaks ki talab insan ko kitna zaleel kerwati ha

The worst form of addiction is "Human Addiction".

Language: English