

Ask @SophieGowing

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How many slices of pizza do you usually eat?

Even if its a 16" pizza
Its fucking huge
I can't eat so many slices of food no matter how delicious it may be
You can eat my slices of pizza for me:D

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If you could change one thing about Ask.fm what would it be?

The amount of sexual questions I get asked, ask.fm is so fucking horny :(

What's something that you would never wear?

A mankini
A crop top
Sandals with socks
Any type of clothing that says 'SWAG, YOLO, LMAO, FML' or anything along those lines
Those fake "Geek" glasses
Short shorts that look like knickers and go half way up your arse
Push up bras
Tissue in my bra
Something that everyone else wears, I like being original
Something from a charity shop
There is a lot of things I would never be seen dead in ;3

What do you do to entertain yourself?

I swear you're getting kinkier every day
But, if you must know...
Oh god, this is going to be embarressing...
I don't know how to say this...
I listen to Kerrang! Every day
Bet you thought I was going to say something that was going to turn you on, didn't you?
You can calm that boner now >.<

Do you treat your body like a Temple or more like an Amusement Park?

What kind of question is this? Creep .-.

What's a warning sign that you're in the presence of bad company?

The smell of b.o
Bad breath
Won't stop talking
Constantly staring at you
Forever repeating themselves
Repeats your name when you ignore them
There's a lot more, but can't be arsed to write them all

How do you see yourself spending your time in your old age?

Still headbanging to Kerrang!
Music never dies
And still not socialising
I will be alone
But alive
I hope...


Language: English