

What is your favorite story your parents told you?

I was about 5. Apparently I truly believed I was batman. I tied a towel around my neck and almost jumped out a second story window. I was caught because my sister told my parents I said I was leaving to save the world.?yeah that was me?
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Latest answers from Gifty

How can I learn to converse with other people better if I'm always worried about being dumb?

Samuel Jackson
Dumb or not they will love you either way if they are the right ones

Is there any way so that i can face my own family because of the failures i have faced in academics and my own life.I have been giving them pain from a long time.I hope i will be able to stand for them when they want me or end again as a pain.

Trust me one this one, the only possible people that will back you up are your parents coming right after your own self. Your folks love you mate! And about that failure thing I have never met anybody who has not Failed atleast single time in their life. Just quit being too harsh upon yourself

Is it normal to fall in love with food more than you've ever loved anyone else in your life ? Like if food was a human, I'd have possibly dated him.. !

Replace food with the word ‘yourself’. However we do need for existence. There is nothing bad if you have a fantasy to have food as your significant other.?

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