
Serge Farah

Ask @Sourouj

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Sourouj’s Profile PhotoSerge Farah
Girls now a days on wp:
Girl: Hey joe habibi ana nezla 3al baher bteje?
Me: no
Girl: teb ma lee? Please
Me: la2anne mech joe ._.
Girl: ah teb sorry 3anjad fakartak rfi2e w heik:/
Girl: heyda enta bel pic ❤️_❤️?
Me: yea
Girl: eh ma3le fik teje ma7al joe aslan batal eder yeje :p
Me : -_-
2nd girl:
G: leyke ana ray7a a3mol dafire beddik teje ma3e?
Me: yalla ana tahet baytik
G: weynik ma l2it hadan
Me: l ra2em ghalat...
G: ahh sorry 3anjad mfakretak rfi2te sorry walla mech bi azde please semehne
Me: dw walaw
Girl: heyda enta bel dp
Me: la2 walla a crush of mine -_-
Girl: teb fike t2oulilo enno ktir helo?
Girl: teb ente bteje ma3e ta a3mol dafire?
Me: 3anjad ? Ana hwe ya bsita...
Girl: ahh okay sorry teb bteje ? :w
Me: *throws myself from the window.*

W ana kif brouh -.-? Tiesto a2rab 3lye w ktir mnih

Tiesto awe kamena :p ma elet chi ana bedde khafef w heyda cz ana b2oss 3endo men ana w 3omre chi 10

nsit 2a3mol untick .:p anw le 5 3ida bel cyan ya3ne ? anw okey ana nezel with charleen w miguel w sheryl :p

Okay bro akide bchoufak ._. Hahahah

wlekkkkk ma ba2a t3ayetleee hendiye -.- w ello la rfi2ak yfut 3a esme :$

Man ente my hendiye. W bas
w khafefe spams :p


Language: English