
Caleb Currier

Ask @Sparkbig3

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What do you believe in?

I believe in standing up for yourself. No matter the situation people who truly care will accept your opinions and not walkover you.

What would be the perfect gift for you?

I have everything I need. Feel truly blessed with my family, friends, & opportunities God has given me.

I don't think you're a douchebag OR a 'mean girl'. Screw what people think! They obviously don't know you. Can you say "pre-judgmental" ;)

This comment

I agree, you do put people down a lot but I think you do it because you are very insecure. Stop being a "mean girl" and be nice.

I'm not insecure. Don't judge if you don't know me! I'm no "mean girl" I'm actually very caring but I can see you like to judge so I feel like I'm wasting my time if you're going to constantly judge.

I agree! I don't know you but I've read a few of your questions and they are rude and mean. You come off as a real Douchebag!

Well again you have to know me before you can say that. If you're referring to the Erin questions you have to know our relationship before you can say anything about them. If that's not what you're talking about you really don't know me. I'm nowhere near a douchebag, I actually hardly ever talk. I'd also appreciate if you didn't ask me questions/ make comments anonymously.

You put people down alot. But I can't figure out why because you're to cocky for it to be because you're insecure. So ill ask you, why do you make people feel as if their below you?

You clearly have no idea who I am. If you really want to know who I am I've got plenty of time. I have a question for you, how am I cocky? I'm actually a very humble person. I don't want answer to that question. Btw a lot is 2 words.

Do you think that you’re a good person?

Depends. Usually I am but I have a low tolerance for foolishness.

Why are you obsessed with sports?

Sports are a great way to relax and not have to worry about anything. I also want to have a career in the sports field either an atheltic trainer, GM, or coach.

I like you haha as a brother in Christ

Haha I first read that and thought wow, no happening but then I read the whole thing. Haha

same here man im a good guy to get to know im a creep

Haha well I wouldn't considering you a creep. This is social media & random people talk to each other all the time.


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