
Foolish Pride

Ask @StandingProud

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Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?

I don't even believe in love, let alone the idea that you can fall in love with someone just after glancing at them for a few seconds.

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Are there any brands or companies that you boycott? Why do you refuse to do business with them?

Ideally I'd boycott any company who hires illegals or pushes for immigration restrictions being loosened. Honey Maid is a great example of the later.
Practically, I only boycott Apple but that's merely because I don't care for their products or the ridiculous hype.
Liked by: Preston S. Brooks

Is there anything you care less about as you have grown up? What is it?

The United States of America. I now despise it.

Wouldn't a divorced emperor set the wrong kind of example? What about an "accident"?

I feel like this needs explained a little more. A long while back there was some southern reactionary who really liked Taylor Swift. At some point I joked that I would one day be the Emperor of the World. Since an Emperor needs an heir, I thought her combination of height and blue eyes would be good for any future children and as a suitable queen. Since I don't really care for her I additionally joked that I would have a harem. Later I read some Akinokure posts and realized that she's basically a beard IRL.
Hope that wasn't too complicated.

Why marry someone who doesn't want children? Also, wouldn't an emperor just arrange a convenient charge of treason aganst her instead of divorce?

Because you focused entirely on physical characteristics and political connections and why arrange a charge of treason when you don't need to?

Who do you think the Left's ideal leader should be, even if they do not acknowledge him/her?

Trotsky's ghost. No one lied quite like Trotsky. He would have been every bit as tyranical as Stalin had he been in charge. Democratic socialists love him for any number of reasons I'm unable to fathom.
Liked by: Radio Control

I thought you were 'murican, but your running commentary on Parliamentary elections makes me suspect you are a Brit. Which is it?

I'm a Jew.

How would you react if you pissed off someone and they said "I hope your wife cucks you"? How much of an insult is that?

Very. Shame on all cucks.

If God did not exist, would it be necessary to create him?

Yes. Marx (I believe) once called religion "the opiate of the masses." Well the masses have abandoned religion and are as upset as ever. Clearly they need their opiates.

"Race is an issue for everyone." Fine, but you don't seem to favor a certain race over another, even when legitimate? Don't you have Pan-European pride?

No. "Europe" is a historical construct. It never has, doesn't, and never will exist as a unified entity. It is essentially a "white" cultural zone with some (small) degree of cross-continental genetic affinity.

Theoretically if you were an atheist, could you find things in life to live for (family, passions, progress, etc.)? Or would you feel very unsatisfied?

I am an atheist...

Are there any European ethnic groups that you're not attracted to, when looking for women? For example: Slavs, Anglo-Saxons, Spaniards, Italians, Celtics, etc?

As far as I can tell they are genetically similar so what's the difference?


Language: English