
Help and Advice on any issue

Over weight~ I know as I checked my bmi! Please give me some ways to lose some weight I'm only slightly ovevweight!

Are you confident enough to go to the swimming pool etc? If not you could buy a work out DVD and just do it at your house? xx

Latest answers from Help and Advice on any issue

I think I'm suffering from depression but I'm not sure :(

Hello, sorry I haven't been able to login for ages. Like I said to the questions below... If you want a more personal chat with me you can add me on facebook and we can have a conversation there. If you want to hide your identity then I understand xx

Do you give money to beggars in the street?

I don't give money often, no, I go and buy them a bag of food and have a chat with them instead. I know it's a stereotype that they're going to spend it on alcohol or drugs - but you can never be sure.. and I don't want to feed their addiction so it's better to place it safe :)

I dont know what to do, if 14 and I selfharm in many different ways. im sick of hiding it and suffering on my own and also I haven't been eating and my friends are starting to notice. What should I do. please help

Hey. I'm really sorry for the late reply, I haven't been able to go on the account for a long time! If you want to talk in more detail and a chat.. add me on facebook and we can have a conversation :) xx

my boyfriend and i have been together for 6 months. i thought i liked him, but i feel like it's friendly love rather than romantic. how do i break this to him without sounding harsh??

Hey I'm sorry I have only just seen this message. I would be completely honest with him. Don't beat around the bush, honesty is best when it comes to these situations. Have you told him? xx

I don't know if you remember but ages I said that I scratched myself on the corner of a shampoo bottle and if that could lead to self harming because i kept doing it...i self harmed. Alot. But im better now :)

Hey! I'm sorry I have only just seen this message! But well done you! Am extremely proud :) You should be too!

Here for anyone no matter what the problem or issue is :) I promise I won't judge <3

bless you xx

Language: English