
Sarune's Wife (Boob King)

Ask @StephenGuiney

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Opinion on self harm/people who self harm?

It really sucks that people get so down and numb that they feel the only way to feel anything is to inflict pain on themselves. I say 'they' because, thankfully, I've never done it, but I have helped a few people out of it. It might help if I go through why people do it and why it gets addictive. When one cuts, feel good endorphins are released in the brain and they surge through the body. This is a defence mechanism. This gives the person a sort of natural biological 'high'. Not only does it feel good, it's also nearly instantaneous in its effects. People seek this high when they feel bad, sometimes as a safety blanket, and this turns into pattern developing behaviour. This is where the addiction develops from. The best way to stop self harm is to not do it in the first place. There are plenty of alternatives. If you ever feel alone come talk to me, your family (you mightn't trust them but I promise you they will want to help), your friends, Childline (it's completely anonymous and free). But never feel like you have no-one to talk to, because I guarantee you have someone in your life who cares about you.
Now, don't even get me started on people who cut for attention. They're the worst kinds of people. I knew one before who used to talk about cutting and suicide to freak me out and feel bad for him/her and just give him/her attention, even keeping me up late at night just to fuel his/her craving for attention. The sooner I stopped talking to that person the better.
But I digress.
Anyway, yeah overall if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to, I'm here or you can ring these numbers.
Childline: 1800 66 66 66
Ireland Suicide Prevention: 1850 60 90 90
Also happy 3,500th question anon ^_^

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Describe your crush

Well I don't have a crush because I'm in a relationship with @sarunelengvelyte.
The best way I can describe it is:
Imagine this right. It's winter, a week before xmas holidays from school. You wake up on a weekday morning and you realise it's 4am and you have a few more hours to sleep. You're the comfiest you've ever felt and everything is really warm and fuzzy and you never want to leave such a comfortable place.
That's what it's like being with Sarune.

What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?

Leaving cert in 48 hours.


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