

Ask @StevenFyfe

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Lexi Marie

1: good looking
2: isn't in any of me classes
3: likes hockey
4: still hasn't said hi to me at school yet ;-)
Ahh I can't be arsed to do this I'm tired, going to bed will do the rest in the morning :-)

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sarah keeping!!

1: she smells ;-)
2: she's beautiful
3: she has a perfect music taste
4: she loves Sweeney Todd
5: she is in most of my classes
6: she shouts at me a lot :'-(
7: she should talk to me more often
8: she should come to Enfield this weekend
9: she gets lost easily ;-)
10: she sits near me in most lessons
Liked by: Sarah Keeping

Emma lloy

1: she's good looking
2: she's quiet
3: she's in all my classes
4: she should pop up sometime!
Sorry there's only 4 :-/
Liked by: Emma

Its called a chip not a crisp!!!!!!!!!

Oh no you got it all wrong my friend, in England we say crisp, in Canada you say chip but we both speak English, it comes from England, you speak Canadian English and I speak proper English and since we re talking in the English language proper English is the correct and original form therefore it is a crisp.
Liked by: Marnie odwyer

Dude I'm just saying in general you gotta flirt with these ladies that adore you

That would be great advice if I knew who the girls were!

That's not gonna happen I'm not even that brave maybe one of your friends will text u but that's it

Then how am I supposed to know who to talk to then?


Language: English