
Amy Carlisle

Why don't you take a look in Isaiah where it says that just uncovering the thigh is equal to being naked. Like I said you do not read the Bible

I do read the Bible. I also told you I follow the teachings of Christ. I said find me where JESUS said its wrong.

Latest answers from Amy Carlisle

I know somebody on here and saw your name on one of the questions to them. I apologize for coming on so strongly before and I will most definitely be praying that God will open doors for a different and better job.

Thank you.

Not a problem :) my name is Bekah and if you would like my email id be more than happy to talk with you that way. I only ask you not publish it on here.

Ok fine. How did you find me Bekah? And yes, that would be fine.

I also wanted to let you know I'm not mad at you nor hate you. I only wish you and others will come to the saving knowledge of Christ and freedom from all sin and guilt. But the lifestyle you and your church is living is not pleasing to God.

Who is this anyway? I like to know the name of the person I am debating... at least your first name.

God said that everybody has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. After you have put your faith in Jesus and repented of all your sins which means you no longer live your old life before knowing Jesus. Your are then called to live righteously and separated from how the world lives.

I feel like God knows my heart. He knows the reason I do this is because with my record from before I became a Christian, I can't get a job anywhere else. Believe me, I have tried. I have some serious drug charges that will not go away. I DO live righteously though. I am a loving, caring, giving person. if I could, I would totally be a nurse. It's in my nature to help people. I volunteer at my local food bank every week. I give 20% to God. I do a lot of good, I have the faith AND the works.
Can we just agree to disagree? Maybe you should pray for me that another avenue comes into my life, that I can find a job somewhere that doesn't require a look into my background, or that someone is willing to look past it.

Exactly what you said you can't pick and choose what Scripture to believe and follow. There is no way you can say that stripping,cursing, etc is acceptable in Gods eyes. Since you only listen to bits and pieces of the Bible why don't you try looking up 1 Corinthians 6:9 yes Paul said it

Do you follow each and every piece of scripture?

Oh so you strip for your "pastor"? How is that honoring god if your using your "talent" for a man?

Because I don't dance for them. I dance for God. I just happen to dance in a public arena with men and women who watch.

Haha your "church" is a Biblical church. You must be of the Calvinist theology. I NEVER said we had to follow the OT you told me to tell you where at in the Bible God says not to be naked. And I showed you. I feel sorry for you on the day of judgment a lot of people will be surprised they won't go t

I will go to heaven, because I have been saved by Jesus Christ and I follow his teachings. That is what a Christian is. No, I am not of Calvinist theology, I believe its false doctrine.

Also what about when Paul says we are to throw out the Laws? He says heaven forbid. The laws are not for our salvation but for us to live a righteous live as Jesus said "be ye holy for I am holy"

Do you eat shrimp? Do you throw stones at people you don't agree with? Do you stay holed up in your room while you are on your period (or stay far away from women who are on their period)? Do you follow each and every single law that are in the old testament? You can't pick and choose which laws to follow, and I'm pretty sure there's a scripture that backs that up, but I can't remember it right now.

Ahahah, you cant follow what Paul says remember? Only what JESUS says

YOU said I needed to follow the Old Testament laws. I merely pointed out that I don't need to. I follow the teachings of Jesus, yes. However most Christians follow Paul more than Jesus. I can take what Paul says too and pray about it.

Jesus also said that if a man looks at a woman with lust in his heart that man is committing adultery WITH her. So when men watch you strip they are sinning therefore so are you. Also why don't you strip at your church so everyone including kids can "enjoy" your "talent"

You wouldn't like my church. It's actually all of my stripper friends and one of the men who we dance for is our pastor. He's accredited and been to college and everything.

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