

Ask @StuartTricker

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you look quite good looking from your dp,you seem nice and a laugh but haven't spoken to you xxx

thanks :) add me!! xxx

what do you think about love?????????

love isnt about the kisses or sex or anything like that which people think.
love is when you truely know the person inside and out. when you know every single thing about them. when you know the way they get changed, the way they sleep, the way they talk, the way they type, the way they walk, the time they take in the toilet, the time it takes them to eat, their favourite food, their favourite drink, their favourite type of baccy, their favourite band, their favourite singer, their favourite colour, the way they dress, they way they smile, the way they cry. when you know they are upset, when you know they are lying, when you know they are telling the truth, when you know they need you, when you know they need space, when you know when they need a hug, when you know they are tired, when you know they are angry. when you notice every single thing they do. when you know all their little habbits. when you know they can trust you. when you know you can trust them, when they know everything about you. when you know where all their cute flaws are, where you know where every birth mark is, when you know what every single part of their body looks like. when you feel proper confident around them. when you know you can act your complete self around them and they wont judge. when you know they will always be their self around you. when you know that you can look how ever you want around each other and know it wont make a difference. when they give you the tinyest compliment and it makes you all warm inside. when you know you two will never split. when you want to just see them everyday just to hear their breath just as a comfort. when with every hug you just feel like the luckyest girl in the world to have their arms around you. when you know that when they act like a prat its not because of you but because that is who they are. when you fall in love with them all over again when YOU make them smile or laugh because then you know you are able to make them happy. when you can treat their house as your own and you get on with their family because you know thats what they want. and the same when they can treat your house as their own and they act like they are part of the family. when you know that you will want to spend forever with them xxx

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Liked by: lucy bearcroft


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