
summer fucking ullmayer

Ask @Summmmaaaaaa

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If you really want friends then don't drop LSD and smoke everyday

please kindly fuck off thank you. I'm happy alone and you don't even know what shit is going on so fuck off

this is serious will you show me a picture of you're scars like how bad are they btw you don't have to if you don't want to

why would I want to post pictures of my scars on the internet just to be set up for embarrassment and harassment

hey summer we used to be friends like 4 years back.I'm sorry people are bitches and like to bring up you're past and you're self harm I've been going through it and I hope people stop and open there eyes and see that they don't know the real you and stop judging because it's rude and mean ok bye :)

message or text me !

because I'm ryans bestfriend and sista

Then you should know not going to express this to Anon over the internet if you his "sista" you should know


Language: English