

Ask @Supergalenskier

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What is true these days?

I just know that, when you get older, shit gets real. When we were in second and first grade. All of us had like 100 friends and every day you would have a "play date" with a different friend. Now, teachers think that putting you into teams so that you can learn to bond with other kids makes everyone like eachother and feel safe. No. That is the dumbest idea ever. You teachers may think it's smart, but no. I lost like a ton of friends and only have 5 or 6 real friends now. I know you guys may be like, that's a ton! You're so lucky to have that many friends!! Honestly, I'm lucky to have those friends, but, losing all my really good old friends is hard man. You make new friends along the way, but shit, those kids that you were friends with since like preschool become strangers. The teachers put us with people you're not familiar with, and in my case, I have like only a couple friends that are new in my classes. I know you teachers have a point, You don't make bestfriends anymore because you're too scared to lose em. But damn, now there's no one to rely on and tell your secrets to. Kids don't know how to keep em. They just end up turning into rumors. It ruins kids lives to be honest. Then kids now days pick on the 1 kid to blame for everything and make them get in trouble. They pick on that 1 unlucky chosen kid and blame him for everything, get them in trouble, make fun of every step they take, everything they do, until he gives up and either kills themselves or goes to a different school. Kids are brutal man. I wish I were in second grade again. Shit, those were the days when everyone had fun, no one picked on each other, no one got in trouble, and no one gave a fuck because they had no worries.

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