

Ask @Supervinh47

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Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Both, with a lean towards extrovert. My Myers-Briggs test put me at 52% Extrovert/48%Introvert, which to be honest is the same as being split down the middle.I can handle large crowds for a while and remember almost everyone's name, but I still get weary of the loudness and the screaming after a while. I like being alone and having time to myself, but if I spend too much time without physical contact with another person, I get restless, stir-crazy, or sad and lonely.
I walk a fine line every day, and I'm ok with that!

What is the longest you've ever gone without any sleep?

Longest with zero sleep, might be 48 hours, it was crunchtime during finals in...Freshman (?) year? Yeah, I never crunched after that.

What is your favorite restaurant? Where is it located?

Kooper's Tavern! You can find me there occasionally in Baltimore haha

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What color socks are you wearing right now? PAP!

The crazy socks that my girlfriend got me haha, one pair for every day of the week

Are you generally a more optimistic or pessimistic person?

You know, I've been wondering that myself recently. A lot has happened in the past year, a lot of pitfalls, disappointments, stumbling around. Mostly it's just been me beating myself and succumbing to limbo living in the past. I sort of "allowed" myself to become, what I feel to be, a selfish, pessimistic person. I never did anything because what was the point? There ARE people here and now who do everything I can do but better.
I believed in others more than I believed in myself and I let that be an excuse to not do anything. I forced myself to stand by and let the world pass me by, only occasionally dipping my toes back in.
Except that's not me, that's never been me, I've never been anyone to simply stand by and let the world go. As easy going as I am, I realize now that there are people who can be inspired by who I am. I realize that I need to believe in myself again, and hold to that belief.
I believe I am generally more optimistic now than I was recently, but not quite up to the level of optimism that I was when I first stepped into this world. I'm getting there though, I'm optimistic about my chances haha.

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What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?

How can I pull off falling asleep for another day?

How can people hear their own thoughts?

I've been pondering this actually, possibly "thoughts" activate the sensory cortices?

Pretend you can declare your own national holiday. What would it be about?

A day about being caring and compassionate to each other.

What things should you never tell your parents?

EVERYTHING. At some point, they HAVE to trust you, or your entire childhood will be for nothing.

Which website or app do you use first in the morning?

I have a "Do not destroy the world" App on my cellphone that I have to check in with every morning, so as to prevent the rupturing of of space/time fabric. It prevents the alphabet agencies from abducting me and seizing my brain powers for their evil ways.

What was the toughest small victory that you overcame yesterday?

I went out and had coffee with someone that I did not really know, it turned out to be a very lovely experience.

What would you do if you woke up and all the other people were gone?

I'd started finally replying to all the people in my head.

How much does a Vinh autograph cost now-a-days?

Free! All you have to do is hunt me down and survive my labyrinth of Mage-Vinh patented tricks and traps!
Good luck, have fun! <3

What makes you feel proud of yourself?

That varies from day to day. Sometimes I am proud of myself for just waking up and getting out of bed, sometimes I am proud of myself for having a good day at work, and sometimes I am proud of myself for just reaching out and talking to people.
I'm sure this question was meant for "big, life changing victories" like graduating from an Ivy League University, or managing 3rd seat in a Citywide Chess tournament during high school.
Screw that.
It's not the "big, life changing victories" that make me proud, it's all the little battles that I survived through and won that make me proud. Life isn't just preparing for one big battle after another, it's a fluid stream of infinitesimally small conflicts and doubts that eat away at you if you don't focus on them because of the "Big Things". Stuff like getting up in the morning and brushing your teeth and refreshing yourself are what eventually SNOWBALL into those big events that people cheer for.
It's the small victories that make me proud, because those are from battles with ourselves that we fight every single day. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose.
Be proud of yourself for waking up, for doing that homework problem, for solving that coding puzzle or experiment glitch. Be proud of yourself for getting up and facing each day, because each day of life is a small victory.

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Liked by: Jordan Howard

whats your fav hearthstone card from blackrock?

Tough question! I think they are all pretty damn cool because I can think of all sorts of crazy ways to use them haha. If I HAD to choose a favorite child, it would have to be.... Druid of the Flame! My play style is built around flexibility and adaptability. Having the option to switch between a defensive 2/5 and an offensive 5/2 is especially appealing to me. I might build a deck around her filled with buffs and minion strength instead the typical Druid OTK.
Runners-ups would be Emperor Thaurissan because he is just an all-around good card with solid stats and a potentially game-winning ability, Lava Shock because BAM sudden mana boost after playing powerful overload cards, and Hungry Dragon! (Don't discount the value of filling your opponent's board with trash minions that you can combo into a Mind Control Tech on turn 7!)

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Do you believe in witches and wizards?

I believe that MAGIC exists, just not the flashy hollywood form. Witches and Wizards? Well, if a thing exists, then there likely exists people who will strive their who lives to learn how to manipulate it. Just like I don't believe magic exists in terms of "I CAST FIREBALL" DnD type, I don't believe witches and wizards exist in the robes and pointed hats outside of LARPers and Cosplayers.
I would say that magic is simply a different form of energy to be channeled and that witches and wizards are simply people sensitive enough to attune themselves to such a flow of energy and bend it around themselves.
Or I could be talking out of my ass and there are actual fireball-slinging, skeleton-raising robed people out there fighting a secret war.

If you had to give someone lessons, what skill would you teach?

I would teach them the skill of "Thinking". How to discover, how to question, how form puzzles out of pieces and mold information with their mind.

What great mystery of the universe do you hope to solve one day?

Hmmm, AHA.
Why do hotdogs come in packages of 10 but hotdog BUNS come in packages of 8?!
IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. This is up there with the Chip/Dip conundrum.
For a real answer though, something that I consider a great mystery of the universe would be the question of "Time". Time itself is an arbitrary measurement of change, but can it be its own dimension? Relativity already shows that time passes at different rates for people at different locations, even if only minutely. If only I had the time to answer this question...


Language: English