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Miley Cyrus talk about VMA's at the movement.
"We've been laughing about all the news because everyone else is so serious, it's great cause I'm sitting here laughing. While you guys are all worked up and, like, frazzled, I'm chilling. I'm onto the next one; "I forgot about the performance, that's so behind now. Yes I'm very comfortable with sexuality. I like pushing the boundaries but I'm coming out in pigtails, looking like a giant, adult baby basically but doing really, like, naughty stuff. That's obviously funny. If I really wanted to come out and do, like, a raunchy sex show I wouldn't have been dressed as a damn bear."
— From "Miley: The Movement"

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Britney Spears: "My mom and her mom know each other. She's a girl's girl and she gets the whole Southern thing. I'm a huge fan of hers,I think she's brilliant right now. She has so much energy and she's on fire, so for her to even say anything about me is just really cool"
Miley explained why it was important to work with Spears on her fourth album, "Bangerz";
"I always say I only want one bitch on my record, and that's Britney, bitch." and she added "The way that I am about Britney, that's the way a lot of people are about me, she was my first record. I was a lot of people's first album. First idol. I'll be a diehard fan for Britney, always."

Miley Cyrus is the Best!! What do u think baut all the J.B and Selena's fights? I am bored

Yes, she is!! :)
Oppss, I do paragraph, little a bit :D
Think it, if they aren't be famous and they meet cafe or wherever, they will be fall in love, they will fight like so hard but we will not know bc I said, think about if they aren't famous!
They're fight and paparazzis do this "exaggerated" so we think, it's enough for everyone! They was leave, they was reconciled again, again, again and again and we always know that from paparazzis, that's all actually! Everyone can survive, everyone was know! Maybe, they aren't famous and we'll be their friends, we can think like that again! Doesn't matter, we don't see "real love" in our side so we don't know but it's possible things yeah maybe it's so boring but truths of the life! We'll live this too. They falling in love and they don't want "real leave" so they're do that, it's can be in any relationship but they're famous and this sticks out, normal problems. I hope I told you clearly. :)

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I support Miley here but someone ask me about "Jiley" or "Niley"
I said I'm Niley Shipper and if you ask me about "Jiley" or "Niley", I'll always said Niley!
+ I think Jelena was real love but some Beliebers don't understand bc of http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/5613/zb6m.jpg
You guys should now, IT'S HEART, you can't choose, your heart decide this before you! Maybe Selena don't love Justin like that in 2010, it's possible, you know!
And then, some Belieber again think it isn't real love bc of "Jelena isn't real" news.
Guys c'mon, whether or not you believe they aren't together now, yes but they was so you can’t say their love isn’t real. If you even try it just shows how deluded, pressed and down right jealous you are.
Open you eyes, you can see it was real love actually we(jelena shippers) think it's still real love!
You call Selena "bitch" or "slut" when she was falling in love with JB, she don't care bc she really love Justin!
Think it few seconds, If she was not love Jus, she try to leave justin from you but she don't bc SHE LOVE! It's for Beliebers.
Think it again, If he was not love Selena, he try to change Selena but he don't bc HE LOVE TOO! It's for Selenators.
Really, see the truths, they was falling in love, it was real and it'll be forever. Now, you guys should be respectful to Selena or Justin!
I said, "it's real love and it'll be forever" bc I've proofs to me! It's enough for me!
Selena http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/8648/3tl5.jpg video; http://bit.ly/12DtrME
Justin http://bit.ly/19Kqwi7

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I love your acc, pics and answers <3 #followed #4eversmiler

Miley's Smile
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!! If you look my answers, you know why this "important" for me :)
I CAN'T STOP SMILING! Everyone can see who's "MILEY CYRUS" in real life! I'll always supporting her!!
"Can't stop,won't stop." #Back #FOREVER

Why She Didn't Release The Last Goodbye :(

Love Goes Crazy (✅)©
It's film, she've REAL life!
It's like Hannah Montana, she was character and no-one should expect Miley'll be Hannah :)
Smile, it was good "life" but she said in "Someone Else"
different things make strong everyone :)


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