
Team Miley Ray Cyrus

Ask @TeamDestinyHopeCyrus

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Your video looks like something you will find on a porn site.

Yes ofc yeaa yeaa u're right :D LOL
I dont care u !! I still love her !
I've never watch it but obviously you've been watching a lot.
AND THIS ISNT MY VIDEO :D I'm not miley ! I'm just smiler #LOL

türk olduğunu ve fake olduğunu biliyorum, hadi ama insanları kandırmak hiç hoş değil.!!!

Ben Miley'im demiyorum ki arkadaş yeter yaa !!!!! SAYFA BAŞLIĞINA BAK NE YAZIYO "I'M NOT MILEY" !!!!!!!!!!!! İNGİLİZCE BİŞMİYOSAN EĞER GİT GOOGLE DAN ÇEVİR !! VE TEAM DENEN ŞEYİN NE OLDUĞUNU BİLMİYO MUSUN SEN?? http://ask.fm/TeamDestinyHopeCyrus/answer/50959676942 BAK BUNA BİNLERCE DEFA SÖYLEDİM BİOMDADA VAR !! "Heyaaa! I LOVE MILEY RAY CYRUS(DESTINY HOPE CYRUS) Love every aspect of her. I'm not real Miley,i'm Smiler " http://ask.fm/TeamDestinyHopeCyrus/answer/49340783374 AL BUNA DA BAK ! al buda ilk yanıtım : http://ask.fm/TeamDestinyHopeCyrus/answer/45287937806 MILEY O İŞTE BEN HİÇ Bİ ZAMAN MILEY'IM DEMEDİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YETER AMA KİMSEN SUS ARTIK !!
AL SANA REAL MILEY: @MileyCyrusReal2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

miley is bitch and ugly i fucked her

I think u're just coward ! Ergghhhh !
MILEY IS THE BEST IDOL IN THE WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whatever u say,i stil love her and we DONT care u !!! LALALALALAL !!

Send this to everyone you think is beautiful, the one reading this.I want you to do something. S M I L E smile because you are beautiful..because you are amazing ...because you are unique....because you can...because tomorrow is a new day.....smile because you deserve to :) <33

Eleanor Calder's Army (✔)
I don't know what to say...Just....thank u so much... Ohhhhh :') ❤


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