
Surya Ghanta

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Like = I would ____ with you ❤ 1- Hug 😏 ( for nice ones ) 2- Hangout 😛 ( For sweet ones) 3- Date ❤ ( For gorgeous ones ) 4- Dinner 🍴 ( lovely ones ) 5- Makeout 💏( for cute ones ) 6- Kik 📲 ( interesting ones ) 7- Have Sex 👅💋( For super hot ) 8- Friendship 👫 9- Shake Hands 😊

Sure if I get any

Why do they call it a pair of pants, a pair of shoes, and pair of spectacles but a bra is just a bra?

Luk there's actually an answer to your stupid question.Even though a pair of pant sounds illogical as there are no 2 pants,they still call it a pair of pants because, before in the olden days two pieces of pants were made for the two legs later they would join it, and they call it a pair of shoes because there are 2 DIFFERENT shoes which are SEPARATE,but in the case of a bra it's a single piece rite so its not called a pair as there are no 2 different pieces.Hope you got your answer to your question.(Thank Google and me for this lol)

thoughts on me 😎

omermoinuddin15’s Profile PhotoOMER
Man you are one person that I can never forget,your jokes always make people laugh😂some are lame AF though😛,you are hyperactive,talented dancer,nice soccer player and a basket ball player too,I can never forget you man😭😭


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