

Ur wrong wrong wrong Mrs. opinion

ok am wrong so what?! lma tla2i 7da b7b jad t3al e7kene special if ur a guy mshan mafe bnt hteje t8n3ne enu fe 7ob hl ayam;) u know what i mean

Latest answers from Sama.M

No matter how dumb ppl react and play with it.. Still can't distorts the clarity and innocence of the real love, right? Also we can't say love doesn't exist -_-

you cant say BUT ME i can say this and I really dont think am gonna change my opinion

Is it nothing called love or the ppl don't know what does it mean.? Big huge difference

both ... cause love depends on ppl if ppl know how to love (( true love )) i can say we can find love BUT ppl prefer to play and call it love

And u wasn't busy to discover that nothing called love?

ummm idk ... im busy doing nothing and am sure 100% people dont know what love means

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