

Latest answers from syirah

Watching a horror movie burns about 200 calories. So… would you rather go for a run or watch how Freddy Krueger is doing?

id rather be sleeping 😴

idk what uni i shud go and course to choose. any advice selain dari ikut minat? :-(

hmm ikut kata hati? lol. hahaha pilih yang u yakin u akan score well, yg u boleh survive. kadang kadang kita kena ukur baju di badan sendiri ;)

What do u guys think about kawin muda? Without solid job? Especially for perempuan ah? Is it good or nah?

kawin muda is never wrong, zaman nabi dulu pun memang ramai kawin muda. but for me, if the guy doesnt have a job, but still decide to marry a woman he loves, lol pastu nak bg bini kamu makan apa ye? some ppl will say “rezeki dtg lps kawin” but if u dont seek for the rezeki then no rezeki for u as well dude. no girls would choose 6 packs over 6 cars aite? so stop going to gym and start finding a job.

I introduced my friend with one guy sbb satu classmate.sama course. I asking him to give his number to my friend. But dia taknak bagi.And after that,everything about him,i'll tell her.One day this guy confessed to me.terkejut.And I decided not to tell her about that coz she is my best friend😢

u did the right thing, but sampai masa dia akan tahy gak, so u have to tell her by hook or by crook so that dia takde lah mengharap sangat en

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