
Szes Zhang

Hi szes I can't find the items you posted on pinkaisle on their website, not the item that you were sponsored but the banner photo you used for the ad and the photo you use for their Instagram promotion!!!!! ):

Maybe sold out already!!

Latest answers from Szes Zhang

Have u abandon your ask.fm?

From my blog:
By the way, some of you have asked me if I am no longer active on ask.fm. Yes I have removed it from my blog because it has became a platform for unnecessary criticisms. The reason why I had ask.fm in the first place is to share related information with my readers, people who truly wants to communicate with me. However, I remembered someone once asked me
'Why doesn't *this certain blogger* have ask.fm? If people don't like her, how do we tell her?'
OMG seriously?! Have ask.fm/formspring became a platform for keyboard warriors to criticise bloggers? So I've closed it. For people who genuinely wants to ask me reasonable questions, you can leave a comment on my blogpost, or ask me on my Instagram (I'll reply)

Are you allowed to keep something each time you finish a shoot? Or do you have to pay for them?

I'm allowed to keep! :>

How do you draw your one line eyeliner look ah? I tried and the lines dont match :O So ugly on me hahaha

Hmm? One line? You mean the wing part?

hey szes! i thought you were exclusive to modparade? didnt fernice say anything when you were modelling for other blogshops? thanks for answering:)

Of course she won't be happy about it. But she's understood my situation!

How do you deal with mean people in your workplace? :(

Be sarcastically mean to them. Cannot be entirely mean cause you'll never know when you need someone's help.

Language: English