
Szes Zhang

Thank you so much for sharing so much on your visit to punggol clinic! Thats so kind of u. Do u mind sharing where you did your facial at?

It's a homed base place at tampines. Not quite sure if she's comfortable with me giving her home address here.

Latest answers from Szes Zhang

Have u abandon your ask.fm?

From my blog:
By the way, some of you have asked me if I am no longer active on ask.fm. Yes I have removed it from my blog because it has became a platform for unnecessary criticisms. The reason why I had ask.fm in the first place is to share related information with my readers, people who truly wants to communicate with me. However, I remembered someone once asked me
'Why doesn't *this certain blogger* have ask.fm? If people don't like her, how do we tell her?'
OMG seriously?! Have ask.fm/formspring became a platform for keyboard warriors to criticise bloggers? So I've closed it. For people who genuinely wants to ask me reasonable questions, you can leave a comment on my blogpost, or ask me on my Instagram (I'll reply)

Are you allowed to keep something each time you finish a shoot? Or do you have to pay for them?

I'm allowed to keep! :>

How do you draw your one line eyeliner look ah? I tried and the lines dont match :O So ugly on me hahaha

Hmm? One line? You mean the wing part?

hey szes! i thought you were exclusive to modparade? didnt fernice say anything when you were modelling for other blogshops? thanks for answering:)

Of course she won't be happy about it. But she's understood my situation!

How do you deal with mean people in your workplace? :(

Be sarcastically mean to them. Cannot be entirely mean cause you'll never know when you need someone's help.

Language: English