

Ask @TFBNdubz

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What one thing do you need to do next?

im ment to be revising for a biology exam on friday but merh it can wait

What are you waiting for?

Everything to get better... News on my poorly nephew and just to see my Brother and sister in law.. Havent seen them in months :(

Write ten or more facts about yourself, then send this question to everyone you follow! Pass it on! (been told to don't kill mee)

Megan Beaumont
1. My names arabic
2. My natural hair is brown and red
3. Im mixed race
4. im wierd
5. Im sensetive at times
6. Animal lover
7. I have millions of sisters and brothers and I dont know most of them.
8. I hate horrible nasty people. Piss me off and that will be the last thing you do
9. music is what I live for
10. I dont know im not an interesting person...
Sorry if I cant send this to everyone ask keeps freezing x

If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

Hmm any age under 9 where my life was perfect and I didnt have to care about how people will judge me and stuff like that... But then I wanna be over the age of 18 :L

What if you found out one of your teachers followed you on ask or stalked your instagram?

I would laugh... They would be in for a shock

Got told to send everyone i follow a heart....<3, your all amazing to cxxx

Awh.. Im sure you amazing whoever you are xx


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