
Bara on TH

Latest answers from Bara on TH

Do you have more boy or girl characters? Do you have a preference for which gender you write about?

I definitely have more male characters than female, but I do have a good number of female characters. I don't really RP/write female characters with others though, so I never really post them or work on them outside of my own head.

Tell us something about Granite.

Granite is a tough lady from an old story concept of mine. Its this campy, 90s anime inspired concept where these vigilante groups combat criminals in a dystopian/crime-filled society. Granite's super strong, capable of lifting a car over her head, and the second in command of the squad she's in :>

When creating a new character, do you usually plan their personality, backstory, or design first? Do you see any correlation between what you plan first and how well the character sticks in the long run?

I tend to do a mix of both? Sometimes there's a lot of pre-planning, other times I just draw someone up at random or with a vague prompt and go from there. I do think the characters I plan out more tend to last longer? I think when you just spontaneously create a character, its more of a visual connection generally, rather than something deeper. Not always, though, since I've definitely got spontaneous OCs I've kept around a long time!

Who is your favourite character ?

This is an impossible question haha. I wouldn't be able to answer it in regards to my own OCs, but as far as other characters go, some of my faves are...Martian Manhunter (DC Comics), Damage (DC Comics), Orphen (Orphen series), Vegeta and Android 17 (DBZ), some others....

Who are you ?

Who is anyone???? My name's Jesse, I'm 25 years old (turning 26 on the 5th of Sept). I'm a trans dude living in Ohio, but moving back to Boston, MA at the end of September (thank butts). I'm an artist, mostly specializing in buff dudes, aaaand I'm a lazy piece of poo that would be happy to just sleep and eat forever :>

What is your fondest memory of the character/adopt community? What was one of your worst experiences you've had in the community?

Fondest would probably be when I gave away a free Eeray. Honestly, the response I got from people almost moved me to tears (the gratitude and politeness more than anything), and I wished I had something to give to everyone.
Worst would probably be when I contemplated trading my MYO Silk and got harassed by a handful of people to the point of actually having panic attacks lmao. It was literally incessant and I ended up just removing him from my TH and keeping him.

How do you feel about closed species adopts?

This is a very tough question haha. Honestly, there's good and bad things about closed species. On one hand, I love seeing peoples' concepts, exploring my own, and having something that is unique to play around with. I've seen some fascinating concepts, and I've seen some....incredibly lazy and/or ridiculous concepts, but all around I think its a great way to share creativity and breed new ideas. I've got quite a few myself, my own closed species, and those I've adopted from others.
On the other hand, I think the community is super volatile and has a tendency to be pretty toxic. The way people pass CS around like trading cards is kind of sickening and offensive to the artists, and the way people harass each other (I've been harassed as well), just makes it hard to stay in love with a character. Not only that, but the way people fixate on a certain species or two, like a mob mentality, makes it hard for people to really enjoy the 'community', whether they're trying to snag said species, or not.
So good and bad LOL.

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List some things in your life that might make you think of your characters. OR are there real life experiences that created some of them?

Good question! I take a lot of inspiration from life actually, particularly when it comes to my superhero characters (many of whom aren't posted anywhere). Poltergeist - http://toyhou.se/11551.poltergeist - was actually thought up while walking by a subway car in Boston and seeing the huge generators on the sides of them.

I'm stealing ur q because it's a good qquestion :~) If you were to cast a film adaptation of one of your stories, which famous actor would play each OC?

WHAT A GOOD QUESTION 8'D I don't have a whole lot of stories that are A) OCs posted publicly or B) non...CS furry things, so I'll go with a headworld of something my friend and I RP:
Aspyn http://toyhou.se/23641.aspyn - Ricky Whittle
Dalain http://toyhou.se/80427.dalain - Jason Momoa (lmao yeah we all got one...)
Omkaer http://toyhou.se/295240.omkaer - Laz Alonso
Tearlach http://toyhou.se/97962.tearlach - Armie Hammer

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