
Taiona Myers

Ask @Taioanxox

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Hey baby.! Can you like my answers (16) and Follow me? Thank you.Rock'n Roll ! Follow me = I will follow back !

TayIorMomsenn’s Profile PhotoBuse
Ok bae :)

Do you worry about your future?

In a way yes but don't we all bc we really don't know what were going to do with our lives yea we might know what job we want or who we want to marry at this moment but do know what is going to happen in 20-30-40 years from now no, so worried? A little, exited? YES

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What is the most beautiful place in the world?

Everywhere, well no take that back my bed is the most beautiful place ❤❤❤❤❤

Hey can you like 11 of my awsners xx #Love ya #Followed.. maybe follow me back? How are ya? ( send Hi China! and i'll like 8 of your awnsers and ask you 4 q's)

China A. McClain
Sure, ok, really good, and ok thx

Hey mate ♡ can you please like 60 answers & i will return 90? Like 150 for 2 gifts! If you can't then i understand but if you do i'd appreciate that, followed, follow back?

Demi Lovato
ok sure, no prob. :)

What is something you have lost, that you wish you could get back?

Ha.ha.ha. that one person I actually really really really like a lot but of cores it didn't work

Who inspires you?

people who make good choices and live a good but thats like not most of my friends

Do you think you're brave?

OH ummm,well some times I think am then I think again and am like no im not

Which celebrity would you like to meet?

Channing Tatum, lil Wayne, Robert Paterson soooooooooooooooo many more

If you were a different gender, what name would you want to have?

a big dick I guess oh and a hot body and good looks

If you could bring one character to life from your favorite movie, who would it be?

ah shit it wouldn't just be 1 it would be all the hot guys from every movie I ever saw with every hot guy in that movie


Language: English