
Tara Ebbrell

Ask @TaraEbbrell

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not just your brother's mates tho? Like you have your year and like two years older and then you get off with loads of them and you get off with loads of lads at parties

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fuckin hell!you always got lads at your house?

Its my house!!..I've got me Leah and Ryan if you forgot, we're Allowed who we want!

You looked so pretty on stage last night Tara <3 I hope you find someone who can make you happy real soon <3 Your one of the nicest girls I have ever met but you have never seen me as more than a mate :/

This is such a lovely thing to say! Thank you! Popup if you'd like?? Made me smile!!

ye she has changed--it's called growing up.She's enjoying her life.Get on and enjoy yours instead of having a go at her on here! (or ain't you got a life hahah!)

Aw haha, thank you anon! Means a lot!

Did you ever cheat? Honestly?

honestly, i swear on my mums life! i wouldn't dream of cheating, never cheated or don't want to be cheated on!
i think its horrible!!!!
Liked by: darcy jade gore

Your so beautiful Tara.I have known you for so long now but I don't think you would ever give me a chance :/

aww thankyou!

Pathetic people? The only pathetic one here is u Tara, being taken for. Mug by bobo the clown. U will learn, and when he's found out for what he really is I shall come back and say 3 words to u. Told you so!!!! ok ok ok 10 months ago REMEMBER!!!!!

who is this!!??

I spoke to you on here about 8 months ago and I told you what he was like, you didn't want to believe me, so I said to you, when it happens, I will come back and say this. I TOLD YOU SO!

haha.. thought he was nice at the time.. but hes changed alot!!

hahaaaa! She doesn't need this sort of crap flying around at the moment..or anything else that's been said which is probably also a load of shit...Grow up whoever you are!!!



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