
Tasmine Jade Nichols

Ask @TasmineNichols

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what is being a young mum like

what is being a young mum like?! well not going to lie it the most stressful thing i have ever done, but also im so happy to become a young me being able to spend my nights and days in with someone who will never leave me
Liked by: shitty_beetle Mco339

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Yes but u calling him/her an cunty prick isn't goin to get u anywhere tas

when they are talking bout my son i can say whatever i like

You need to stop writing relationship statuses and how no one stands by you ! It's attention seeking your the one that went and get your self pregnant

i dont care bout a relationship all i wanted was for someone to stand by me and my son .. love how you wont show your name

Tas stop posting picture of your son on facebook it just seeking attenion

how is posting pictures of my son on facebook attenion seeking? that dosent work at all !!

who do you go to for help

well i would normally go and tell my bestfriend (boy) bout everything but all je dose is ignore me now i basicually have no -one to talk to

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why did you and bradley sluggett break up

because i couldnt take it anymore the argument him chatting up other girls then him abusing me making me out to be a cunt when he the one whk punched me and hit me i just couldnt take anymore never been so depressed in a relationship before...

you just a person with a baby that no-one want your a single mother that dose nothing for her kid)

im just a person with a kid?? tha fuck? and so what im a single parent i still try and give my son the best life i can possibly give him i try to do everything to be a good mum yeah im only 17 with a kid but it has changed my life for the better i dont carre what anyone has to say unless it postive all i want is for everyone to leave me alone:'(


Language: English