

Ask @TaviaHorton145

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HAHAHAHAHAHAH Lucy<3 Remember Davion!? I saw him on the city bus today haha

Lucy's the bae ahahaha. Dude we were such bully's in middle school...

Dress coded? Why? ^^ how were you in middle school?

Because the schools dumb. Like I was hella mean in middle school. And like not scared to fight or anything. And like I went to the principles for so many things. Like I passed around fake invitations with Jesses phone number on it. And people thought it was real and called the number. And his mom got mad and called the school. And I got detention for 2 weeks. Another time I heard this guy was talking shit about me and he said something in class and I yelled fuck you at him. And I got sent to the office with a referral. On the bus I threw food at this girl Lucy who would always tell on me and I got a referral. One time this guy was making me so mad so I jumped seats and started punching him and I got a referral. I heard thomas postan was talking shit one time so i went up to him and hit his lunch out of his hands and tried to slap him but he ran away. Then my friend tried to "stab" him for talking shit And eventually we all went to the office for that. Idk there's so much more. #languageacademymemories lol

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Did you ever have any troubles in high school? I mean like going to the principal? and if you did, what's the worst thing you did? ahah

No just dress coded. But in middle school me & the principle would see each other alot ! I was alot different in middle school..

Did you ever think about becoming one of those vloggers in youtube of videos doing the ootd every week and hairstyling? You could. Just as you could become a model. But the other is easier i think. Haha

Ahahah I Lowkey want to that'd be fun. Maybe I'll think about it.(: thanks(:

how was ur first day of school? someone you dont like in your class? :)

It was surprisingly good. No actually I like everybody in my classes that I had today (:


Language: English