
Advice And Teen Support

Ask @Teensupport365

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Ive cut because of this girl at my school she keeps spearding rumors about me trying to get me batterd and ive stuck up for her jumped in fights for her and she jst lies to me shes lied about my family my friends and i duno wht to do and im pritty upset:( what should i do:/

Do you know why she's doing this? If not, ask her why

What I you do if someone has been in your life for 10 years now and in some way you're related to them but then you fall in love with them but you can't tell them?

What is this "relation"?

Pippa, why are you so horrible to Sam?

I know him in person and he takes the mick outta me by calling my small&scaring me with my fears:(

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It's not the fact that I didn't tell her I cut, she took it really personally when I told her not to.she has no idea what I'm going through but she is making it worse!! We never have arguments, like ever so why is she being so horrible now?

She's worried

My friend had a massive argument with me about why I didn't tell her i cut, I asked her to not turn it Into an argument but she did... I haven't talked to her and all of the stress made me cut even more than before, she said she was worried but she was actually being a bitch:(

Why won't you tell her? If you're her friend surely you would tell her so she could help? But if not, just say sorry&say you don't wanna talk about it. I would personally tell my friends so they can help me, but its your choice x

Hi! I like this guy... And I started asking him questions on ask with a code name! He found out it was me! :) we talk!! But I'm scare he might take advantage of my patience or hurt me! :( I don't wanna get hurt with the same reason! </3 what should I do? Let go? Or something? :( I like him alot tho:

Ask him if like, he'd ever hurt you or take advantage, see what he says x

No sex questions...but I keep telling myself to cut, and I was close to it last night. I feel like utter crap tbh, and I need to wait 4 months for help *le sigh*

brooke hobbs
Why so you feel the need to cut honey?

How do i give a blow job??

Just start by
simply rubbing his penis up and
down & while kissing him, slowly
kiss down his body until you
arrive at his penis, still rubbing his
penis, place his penis in your
mouth & slowly suck on the tip so
you get used to something being
there, and he knows the blowjob
is about to begin. Then every now
and then push your head so the
penis goes further into your
mouth. (Think of it as a Calipso
ice lolly) and when his penis goes
deeper, remember to keep
rubbing his penis. When your
want a quick break, just pull it out
but keep rubbing so he knows
your not done, tease him with it,
go back to kiss him & then
straight back done, gets him going
a bit more.
If your not comfortable with him
ejaculating in your mouth, be sure
to tell him to let you know so you
can move before he ejaculates.
Otherwise if you wish for that,
make him tell you when his is

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im moving schools soon and i only know a few people. What should i do ?

Stay with those people, or make friends with others

i like my ex again but we dont go to the same school nor we dont live by each other. We use to talk loads but we had a fall out what can i do?:(

Pop up to him again, start talking again&see how your friendship develops x

Whats another way to hide fresh wrist cuts other than make up, bracelets or jerseys?

It depends on how big they are, you can put a plaster or you can put a bandage, otherwise there isn't much you can do

Im a girl and im completely in love with my best friend who is also a girl. We went out but broke up after 6 months and im hurting so badly :(

Does she still like you? Ask her if she does

What should I buy my boyfriend as a gift? He's so sweet, and I don't know how to be sweet back. $:

1) get a jar
2) write down loads of little messages
3) fold each one up
4) put them in the jar
he can take out a message when he wants or when he feels down :)
Liked by: Jenn

should hide my scars? or should I not , im scared I might get hate for cutting

Ashley Nicole
Its all up to you, I personally choose to hide mine, but if people ask me about them. I'll show them. It all depends whether if you show them, you can put up with the hate

Surprise beautiful person! Once you get this, you must put it into at least 8 people's asks (anonymously) who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen, but it is nice to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out <333 xxx


Surprise beautiful person! Once you get this, you must put it into at least 8 people's asks (anonymously) who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen, but it is nice to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out <333 xxx

I will have to do this later :) <33


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