
Advice And Teen Support

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is it on for a 12 year olds weight to be 5.8 pounds? i eat so much but never out anything on?

5.8? That's less than half a stone, you would be dead if you weighed this much, do you mean 58 pounds which is more realistic because then it's fine it just could mean you have a high metabolism for example i do and I'm 95 pounds and I'm 17 (Owen)

Owen I don't cut myself but I do scrape my skin and it leaves a scar, my brother said its still self harm. Is it?

Technically yes, any type of self inflicted pain can be classed as self harm. (Owen)

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Sounds like you don't love her to me..

Well in all fairness i couldn't give a crap what you think of anything to do with me or my relationship ship, think whatever you want but the bottom line is, i love her, she's my world. Just because i don't want to write a paragraph about her doesn't mean anything, what importance is this paragraph going to show? Is it going to help anyone? Is it going to save anybody? No, it's just going to be an excuse for me to write a long irrelevant answer for maybe a few likes on it and maybe a question or two saying that we're cute. But i couldn't care less about likes or anything, i care about helping people. So why on earth would i write a paragraph on an advice page out of all places? (Owen)

No paragraph? Then you don't love her.

Because i won't write a paragraph? I have other things going on at this moment, and the last thing i want to do is write a paragraph at quarter to 12 at night. This doesn't mean i don't love her I've written her loads of paragraphs before. (Owen)

Lol jk, I'm not actually fat at all. Obesity is a health risk, I'm a fit young woman and proud of it. I was just trolling. Stupid pippa <3

I'd appriciate not being called "stupid" thankyou. Had enough of that.

I'm fat, but I like being fat, is there something wrong with me?

Of course there isn't! You should always be happy with who you are. You're gorgeous and perfect. Embrace it x

best friends?

Are you asking me who my best-friends are? Or asking if we answer questions about best-friends?

Pippa, it's me (the masked one). No I don't get bullied much and when I do, I don't think the people mean any harm. (once or twice there is cases where they mean to.) I just don't know if I am ready to let the mask go. I feel like it will make me vulnerable again.

Believe it or not, we are all vulnerable. We just don't know/show it, I feel you should let it fall, but to the right people and at the right place. Otherwise it's all going to build up inside you and be a lot worse in years. Keep smiling, ignore the haters! You're beautiful x

That modelling agency thing scammed me too!!:| shouldnt have trusted them fs:(

Never send pictures to anyone online, you never know what they can do with them ! - Jake

I have a small white spot sort of thing on my tounge, I don't know if it's where I've bitten myself or some tbf but I don't know! Should I be concerned? Btw I've never had any sexual contact with anyone

See how it is in a few days, maybe a week, if you're really worried, you can always get it checked out by your GP - Jake

I feel so alone and I need someone to speak to but i don't feel like i can speak to anyone

You can always speak to us, or you can speak to any family members, they should always be able to help! - Jake

Just the one of my feet and one of me standing but i was dressed but hes doing it to loads of people on ask fm and they are believing him and i feel really bad for them and i just want to warn people x http://ask.fm/LowriTh thats their link

Yeah, never trust people online like this! - Jake

what does Dm mean... because I don't now what it means im trying to help someone and the person keeps saying dm what does it mean?

Direct message. On twitter. Or don't mind. Depends on the context

some man on this scammed me he said he owned a modelling agency but he said he was a woman and i give him my kik and he told me to take a pic of my full body,feet and a picture of me in a tight dress and when he said tight dress i kinda got freaked out and now i feel humiliated!Hes doing it to loads

Did you send any pictures to him? - Jake

hi, im scared because my mum said " ill commmit suicide" then she said " its better".. idk why she says this but yes we have had a few family problems and im getting scared if she does do it :~(

Any mum will attempt this, as they know that their kids will have to deal with the problems, don't be scared about it, talk to her, have a long chat with her about it, get things sorted out, talking to each other is the best thing to do here! - Jake

They've all started getting help and ive started to feel awful again, I cut the other night for the first time in a while and I just feel so alone, I feel like my best friend doesnt even want to speak to me and i just can't handle anything anymore

Talk to your mum and your bestfriend, get some help, you're not alone okay? They will help you, like they did before, stay strong, remember, when life is at its worst, it can ONLY get better, - Jake

the best people that can help through selfharm/sexuality/friends/relationships/ect? if possible x

Anyone really then. Do you have kik?x (T)


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