
Tess Harbeck

Ask @Tessiiee1

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You hear a loud explosion down the road, there's an ominous green light being emitted from the direction of the explosion, You suddenly hear screaming. One scream stands out in particular you can hear a mother scream for her child to be returned to her. Do you go have a sneaky peak at the situation?

I'd be absolutely terrified..
And at the time, I'd probably think it was the druggo kids down the road trying to kill eachother again.
I'd probably call the police.. Maaaaaaaybe go to the corner edge of the house and look, but I'd be too scared to go there

Have you ever really enjoyed chatting with someone and then one day they just stopped talking to you?

I'm sorry
I fell asleep. and I woke up for my game. And now I'm going back to sleep. But yes. I have, many times, and it absolutely sucks

If you had to fight Mike Tyson or Muhammad Ali in their prime and they saw you not as a girl but as a full grown opponent, who would you fight?

Good lord.
You're asking me which one I'd rather pummel me to death? Hahaha. I really don't know. Maybe Mike Tyson because he has a tiger and tigers are cool

If you were payed $350,000 a year to work as a miner for 48 weeks of the year 14/6 would you take the job?

I couldn't be away for that long. Especially in a mine. They freak me out, a lot.

When was the last time you sat down to a meal and thought. This a nice meal, like I'm actually really liking the atmosphere and I hope I remember this for days to come. And just enjoyed the night?

Um a few weeks ago with my family and visiting grandma, out at dinner for my deceased grandpa's birthday

What is one thing that many people don't know about you?

Now, if I said that... Many people would know about it wouldn't they.. Hmm

Yeah why do you think its lasted so long?

I think because instead of throwing it away when it got rough, we worked through it and fixed it up. Problems were fixed and such. We tell eachother everything so there's nothing that is hiding and we only really have fights when either of us (mainly Nath) is hungry or tired. Or if we haven't seen eachother or spoken to eachother in like 5+ days.
So yeah. Mainly trust, loyalty, determination and love. :)

10 months that's a long relationship Tess. What would you attribute to its current success?

What do you mean? Like what would I say is making it be successful?

That's the best way to flirt I reckon. Just chuck some squid around and peg ice at them.

Right? Worked for me and look where I am, 10 months later ;)

Would you rather leg sized fingers or finger sized legs?

oh god
Can I choose neither?
Because if I had finger sized legs, I wouldn't be able to support my own weight and therefore couldn't walk, and if I had leg sized fingers then I'd have 12 legs in total and I'd be really heavy and break my arms

What's your best memory with Nathan mate? I'm looking for a yarn.

Hahaha oh god
There's so many.
The first cutest one we have was in Sport class last year - we went out on a fishing trip (Nathan's favourite thing to do) and he was attracted to me because I wasn't afraid to touch squid or any of the stuff involved and I knew how to bait up a hook and stuff, and we flirted by having a iced water fight and a squid fight (feral I know) but yeah! It all really kicked off from there :')
But there's also when he took me on a surprise date for Valentine's Day and the date for our 6 months.
Too many :))
Liked by: Chantelle Rowe

What's your dream location?

Too many honestly.
I'm torn between being on a sunny beach, tanning while reading a great book and sipping a lemon-lime bitters, with the urge to play some beach games or swim and being in a snow-surrounded cottage, cuddled up in a blanket, watching a movie, drinking hot chocolate and having the urge to fall asleep.
But I'd also like to have a romantic getaway on a place with crystal clear water and the weather is not hot and not cold. Ya feel?


Language: English