
Sir Tauren

Ask @ThatPaladinGuy

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How much did you lurk your crushes social media before talking to them?

I don't have any crushes on social media. If has to be a someone that I know in person for them to be considered a crush.

Are you an altoholic?

Alcoholic? I'm not actually, I don't spend on WoW as I usually would anymore.

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Do you RP in-game or just on social media?

Mostly social media, there's times where I RP in-game but that's very rare.

Which is your favorite dragonflight, and why?

It probably have to be Bronze. Mostly because they are one with time and can go through it, just like Tauren!!

How did you spend your Black Friday evening? Did you go shopping? What did you buy?

Mostly sleeping until one and then I bought a 3DS XL for $80. So happy!!

What World of Warcraft plushies would you like to see in the Blizzard Store?

All the raid bosses, dragons. Pretty much everything there!! XD

#OoC What is your title in WoW and why did you choose it?

Just like in role I went with Sir Tauren, why? Cause I like the simplicity of it but also having sounds in a prestigious way sort of. (and yes I'm aware Tauren is a race, I just like the name of it)


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