
black yoki #MAMACITA♥ ..

Ask @The4monster

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What three things do you think of most each day?

- Is he okay ?!
- I wish if i can make him smile and happy all the time
- Plz don't be sad & plz don't cry ..
That's what i think about all the time :) ..

사랑의 행복, 사랑하고 우리가 행복을 두 배로하는 그들은 행복 사람들에게 가장 간단한 일이 .. 단순한 비전; 위해 행복 할 수 있습니다.
To be happy just make the person who you love happy even with the simplest thing
Just the site of who you love when they are happy it is twice the happines to us
كي تكون سعيدًا؛ أسعد من تحبّه ولو بأبسط الأشياء.. فمجرد رؤيتنا لمن نحب وهم سُعداء هي سعادة مضاعفة لنا ♡ ..


When you love somebody form all of your heart but you that he doesn't belong to you but you keep on loveing him and youwish for happines even though your not the rison for that happines ،،
When you love someone from all of your heart you just sadul for stearing at him form far even though he doesn't have any idea that you there or if there wasn't any existence in his life you just get enough with a smile that's forms up on his face ،، When you love someone from all of your heart and there is something that makes him sad or even upsets him or makes him angry or even gets him to cry or hurts him you feel the pain in you heart and you get sad for his sadnes and get hurt for his sorrows and get mad for his anger and cry for his teers and he still don't know about you existence ،،
And all what i wish for is to see that just to take off his troubles and concerns and his sorrows just to make him smile and never let it leave his face becueas it makes more beautifull with it
And then i promise you to leave you alone with out any existence what so ever ..

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우리 주위에있는 것들의 대부분은 아무런 의미가 없습니다;
심지어 그것에 의미는 우리에게 의미!
A lot of things dosen't have a meaning until someone who means lot to us point at it
كثيرٌ من الأشياء حولنا لا معنى لها ؛
حتى يشير إليها من يعني لنا ! :) ♥ ..

What is your favorite sound?

members of super junior ,, And especially >> ( leeteuk , lee donghae , eunhyuk ) oppa
{ lee min ho } oppa ..


Language: English