

Latest answers from The8BitMonkey

If you could visit any place where would it be?

I would love to visit Japan, never had the chance to go but would love to experience the culture over there.

Do you have a car and driver's license ???

I do not, don't trust myself on the road not to get distracted by something in the corner of my eye and end up running someone over, I can a very short attention span and can easily move my focus from one thing to another

You always talk about coffee do you really drink that much?

Yep! Probs way to much of it, sometimes I will take a break from drinking it to let my brain rest as I do get rather wired and can't sleep but I really enjoy a good mug of coffee :)

How did you get good at redstone?

I wouldn't say I was that good really, but everything I know I learned from watching much more skilled people on YouTube and through trial and error, just keep at it and you'll get the hand of it :)

Are you going to monthly monkey news again? You only did 1this year

I will be bring it back, I just don't have that much to talk about and sometimes find it hard to talk to the camera like that as I've not been a vlogger for many years now.

I absolutley love how you make mods to showcase upcoming features, it adds so much to your videos! How long does it take you to make these mods and what gave you the idea?

Thanks, adding mobs such as the rabbits only takes around 8hrs from learning how to add them to actually adding them, command block creations take a few minutes and editing can take up to a day....as for the idea, it all started when I added the rabbits to the game to see if I could, people seemed to enjoy it so I continued doing it :)

Language: English