
Danny Grogg

What is the secret to a happy life?

Self Love & Happiness. That with great friends, family & life create such a vibrantly positive & happy atmosphere. Though sometimes people have all of that (i.e Robin Williams) and yet still feel lost & unhappy for reasons unknown to anyone including them. That's because it's caused by a Biochemical imbalance in their brain. Sadly you're more likely to get struck by lightning, and get attacked by a shark (both extremely rare) and survive both with no issues than to find a doctor that isn't another cog in the corporate machine out to get the industry a paycheck. What I mean is, docs are paid to keep you sick & imbalanced, not to get you healthy & keep you healthy. They'd lose lots of money. They're paid to keep you sick & treat a symptom or two, and ignore looking at the bigger picture, what the causation is, and how to alleviate it. Docs need to start doing the right thing & get people healthy & keep them healthy. So for those with the biochemical imbalance they need to help them figure out what chemicals are off & find a way to get them regulated & imbalance and then help them keep it balanced.

Latest answers from Danny Grogg

Do you like modern art?

In terms of the popular "Multi-Million dollar" stuff, especially in paintings? NOT A CHANCE. Most of it is literally the equivalent to what we did when we were kids. Squirt some paint on paper & fold it, then squish it together & peel it apart again. And yet if you're not "famous", then when you do such, "Oh how childish of you". I'm so lost in the modern world.

Oh that's right, and last week in the soup from the restaurant! You were the pea, and I was the noodle.

I don't prefer to remember well seasoned moment like that one fluidly, thank you.

How did you know I was the Jipsom Weed? WTF

remember? I was the Dandelion gossiping to the Breadroot, which the Death Camas didn't like, which made you the Jipsom Weed.

@shandude asks, "What's your favorite animal and why?”

That's a painfully tough one. I'd still go with a Tiger, even though I LOVE lots of others too like Squirrels, Gerbils, Chinchillas, Wolves, etc. As to the why, I can't say. I seemed to have been born with a strong love for Tigers.

Do you think dad caps are really making a comeback?

What are they though? Lol I'm going to have to be told or look that up!

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