

Ask @TheDirtyWeedWacker

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Tbh you're amazing😁and you already know that 😂i know you since grade 7, and I'm still trying to figure out, how I met you 😂✋we both love Ms. B 🔫 you're funny af 😛 We should hang out again 🙈😁 and text more 😘(friend).. Love you❤️(friend zone, I have a bf) Ps:no jelly aloud to comment shit!!😂

Rebecca Allen.A
Liked by: Rebecca Allen.A

Y'all need to stfu cause I couldn't care less about your babyish stupid drama relationship, i have my own to take care of so please fuck right off and stop accusing me!


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Its these 2 i am Sure hahaha

Well I doubt it, I don't fucking know! They have lives why the fuck do they care!😂 heck I don't even care!! Want to say shit about me go ahead I'm use to it👌🏻


Well I'm not naming names because I don't know for sure-.- heck I been driving for the last 2 hours I just got home

Do you hate Maeghan? Honestly.

Honestly... I don't hate her. I never did? I never will? I mean obviously I might of said it to her before when I'm upset😒 but I don't hate her. I love her... And always will. I still think she's perfect, wait. I know* she's perfect la. And she deserves everything good that happens to her. Anyone would be lucky to have her and there girlfriend. And she likes cats... I mean that's a bonus right there people?👌🏻👽

What would you do if you woke up and all the other people were gone?

Update my Facebook seeing if anyone is still alive
Liked by: Brittney.


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