

Ask @TheGingerDork

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Who are your enemies?

I mean I personally wouldn't call then enemies. Just people that I really don't fuckin' like.
But at this point they sure know who the fuck they are

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What is under your bed?

various forms of artilery such as:
the shoe
the shoe
the shoe
the shoe
a knife
the shoe
the shoe
the shoe

What are some small things that make you happy?

I was about to make a dick joke but then I realise that I don't have to
because it was already a joke in the first place :^)
(insert generic attention thing here)
but for real what makes me happy is when I can get a clean sweap of like 5 games in a row without my laptop overheating. That is probably the biggest thing that will make me happy rn

Have you ever broken any bones? If so, how many and which ones?

i mean i haven't broken any of my own but i'd sure as hell brake somebody elses
..and in the process let me tell you about how I broke my first bone

Would you pick brains or beauty?

which one will drive me up a fucking wall faster
or sleep
actually i'll do the generic sappy thing and be like "it doesn't matter!!!!111"
you could look like a tree stump and some poor asshole will love you so who cares about which one ya got.

How to make a woman happy?

Don't be a lying and sarcastic asshole and you should do fine. Idk it's dumb to even ask that kind of question bc there are different personality types that you don't know until you understand them on a personal level.

What was your first concert? No matter how embarrassing - let's hear it.

i was young
that is the most embarrassing part of it


Language: English