

Are you outgoing or shy?

Depends on who you are. If I don't know you very well I'll most likely be shy but if I do know you, I'm probably one of the loudest and craziest bastards you'll ever meet >:) I tend to hold back who I am a little bit when I meet somebody new so I don't completely freak them out :p

Latest answers from TheInsurgent

Would you ever consider doing re-amping through your axe fx? If so would you put a price on it?

I'm actually looking into doing that fairly soon I just need to invest some more time into learning the unit to ensure I can get the best tones possible for the client. Shoot me a message though if you're interested!

Are you still in a band?

Yes I am! I'm in Plaguebringer now and we're playing a show on the 15th this month at the National Music Centre! Inbox me for tickets :)

How is roger?

Roger is decent. Going through a bit of things but nothing too major. Thanks for asking friend :)

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