

is there a difference between a hot girl, a pretty girl, and a cute girl? give examples of girls at carroll who fit the categories and explain it please! i am just genuinely curious.

Dear God ok. Just remember that this is my opinion and my opinion only. I can't speak for every guy ever.
Cute: (my favourite kind of girl) to me, is usually a shorter smallish girl, with big eyes and a very heartwarming gentle voice. Always been a sucker for big eyes :p Girls that fit here include Jessica Big D, Sadie, Anna T etc.
Pretty: a taller girl with all around attractive features but doesn't appeal to me as much as cute girls for whatever reason usually due to height haha although there are exceptions. Chelyn, Emma. those are the only names that come to mind but there are a lot of girls I've seen that would fall into this category but I don't know what their names are.
Hot: a little too synthetic for my tastes. Usually wear lots of make up, kind of fake looking and overrated. Don't want to name any names here haha but an example outside of school is Megan Fox. A lot of guys see her a really fucking hot but I don't see anything too astounding about her appearance. I usually say gorgeous instead of hot when it comes to pristine, jaw- dropping girls haha
So there you go. Some of my answers might not make sense or be odd but that's just me :p I'm also exhausted right now and nor thinking too clearly haha

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