

If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?

Prepare yourself. This may be the gayest answer I will ever give. Cuddling. The feeling of being so close to somebody like that is one of the best feelings anybody could feel. You know dat feel?

Latest answers from TheInsurgent

Would you ever consider doing re-amping through your axe fx? If so would you put a price on it?

I'm actually looking into doing that fairly soon I just need to invest some more time into learning the unit to ensure I can get the best tones possible for the client. Shoot me a message though if you're interested!

Are you still in a band?

Yes I am! I'm in Plaguebringer now and we're playing a show on the 15th this month at the National Music Centre! Inbox me for tickets :)

How is roger?

Roger is decent. Going through a bit of things but nothing too major. Thanks for asking friend :)

Language: English