

Ask @TheInsurgent

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Do u poop naked or with some clothes on. Me personally i like naked spread those legs it just slide out

I do both at the same time. I start with clothes on and strip as I go
Liked by: Braiding Betton

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do you smoke weed ? or drink ?

Don't smoke anything whatsoever and never have. I'll have alcohol occasionally when I want to party but I'm not having any alcohol for all of 2013 with the exception of my birthday

im done. you're a fool for not answering truthfully but shanks. imma male though

That's pretty weird man not gonna lie

Would you ever buy a 9/6 string geetaro?

9 is a little overkill but looks like fun to mess around with!

why do you hang out with jordan parm and all those guys you're so much better than them...

Well it was only a matter of time until some anon coward asked me a loaded question. Jordan is one of my oldest friends and one of the few people who really know who I am inside and out. You're obviously saying I'm very different from them yes but true friends accept each others differences regardless of their characteristic traits and I don't judge a single one of them and vice versa. You don't know anything about any of them either. You barely know any of their names and got Jordan's last name from facebook for God's sakes. Learn to actually know a person before insulting them indirectly, over the internet and anonymously.
Liked by: Manni

Do you remember your first day at school?

Oh god. So many tears. First day of Kindergarten was hell for me hahahahahha

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